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Cooking gluten-free safely at home is very easy, just follow a few simple tips. The Italian Celiac Association tells the story at the linkhttps://www.celiachia.it/dieta-senza-glutine/gestire-dieta-senza-glutine/preparare-pasti-in-casa/| ||102. Prima di tutto: utilizzare la varietà di ingredienti idonei e, una volta aperte le confezioni dei prodotti, riporle in maniera che non si possano contaminare con altri prodotti contenenti glutine (ad esempio riporre la farina senza glutine in contenitori di plastica chiusi). A seguire: preparare le pietanze su superfici pulite e con pentole, stoviglie e posate pulite (è inutile utilizzare utensili dedicati).

Any utensil or dish, whatever material it is made of, including wood, if washed well can be used to prepare food for celiacs. Both washing by hand and in the dishwasher guarantee the removal of gluten residues; always wash your hands before cooking (which is a good rule for everyone!) and in any case every time they are dirty with gluten-containing foods (for example flour); do not use for cookinggluten-free dishes water that has previously been used to cook pasta or other foods with gluten; do not fry in oil previously used for frying foods with gluten.

Cooking gluten-free safely may seem challenging, but it is certainly not impossible.

And again, the Italian association Celiac recommends: “use baking paper or aluminum foil when placing gluten-free food directly on surfaces that are difficult to clean (for example the oven plate or grill) which may have been contaminated; avoid the unnecessary use of dedicated sponges. In fact, a thorough rinsing in running water is sufficient to remove any food residues; it is possible to use the same oven for cooking foods with and without gluten at the same time, paying attention when handling the trays, to avoid dropping residues containing gluten. on gluten-free foods. A useful and very simple trick could be to cook gluten-free foods on the highest shelves of the oven and those with gluten on the lower ones".

Further advice, especially useful immediately after the diagnosis, when you still have to get used to the new dietary rules, could be to "organize the pantry in such a way as to keep gluten-free products separate from the others, to avoid the risk of using the wrong product due to distraction. Facing the diagnosis of celiac disease also means having to reorganize your daily life, starting from the table. At this stage, it can be very useful to attend a gluten-free cooking course, often organized by local AICs".