In the beautiful country,gluten free is constantly growing.
The market forgluten-free products, in fact, in 2016 achieved a global turnover of over four and a half billion dollars; the figure is expected to almost triple in 2026.
This is what emerges from the latest report from the British research institute Visiongain, which analyzes the trend in the world, including Italy.
This is underlined by the website ofAGR-Osservatorio Agroalimentare, a research hub which aims to collect needs and organize skills, in order to generate information, analysis and services to be transferred to the components of the agri-food system.
Specifically the Italian numbers, in our peninsula the sector ofgluten free products would be worth around 300 million euros, with an average annual growth rate by 30%.
Gluten-free foods were created to meet the needs of consumers diagnosed with celiac disease who, according to a September 2016 survey, number over 170 thousand in Italy, equal to approximately 2% of the population. But it is estimated that at least another 400 thousand people are waiting for a diagnosis.
Be careful, however: “gluten free products are also purchased by the so-called gluten sensitive, vale a dire quei soggetti che hanno una particolare sensibilità al glutine, pur senza essere celiaci. Essi rappresentano una percentuale sicuramente maggiore rispetto ai celiaci, ma difficile da quantificare.
However, those who really drive gluten-free sales are thelife stylers, that is, that constantly increasing part of consumers who choose gluten-free foods gluten by conviction and personal eating style, regardless of intolerance to this vegetable protein. These are – we read on – largely the same consumers who frequently purchase various other types of free-from foods (without a specific ingredient), as well as organic, functional products, supplements and so on”.| ||128
Appare evidente come, rispetto anche a solo pochi anni fa, stia accadendo una vera e propria inversione di rotta da parte del consumatore: spicca in primis la soddisfazione dei coeliac and gluten sufferers stands out sensitive towards increasing the assortment and, in some sales points, concentrating the items on the shelves. In fact, there are more and more companies which, encouraged by the exponential growth in consumption, combine the production of "traditional" foods with a line of productsgluten-free.
Ma ancora più sorprendente sarebbe il comportamento del life styler, un consumatore molto attento, informato e soprattutto sensibile al proprio benessere, al punto da scegliere autonomamente di acquistare cibi destinati a persone affette da un’intolleranza, nella convinzione di alimentarsi in modo più sano e salutare. “This is a phenomenon which, extended to other product categories belonging to the health/wellbeing sphere, make this trend an attitude that can almost be defined as structural and no longer cyclical”, they explain again from AGR-Osservatorio Agroalimentare.
In short, the gluten-free market is growing, and at the same time collective trust in gluten-free products is increasing, as if to create a new food culture that attracts an ever-increasing number of consumers in Italy every year.| ||139
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